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  1. In Windows Mail, go to Tools on the top bar and select Accounts...

    In Windows Mail, go to Tools on the top bar and select Accounts...
  2. Select the account you want to edit and click Properties.

    Select the account you want to edit from the list and click Properties.
  3. Your email account settings are split between 5 tabs: General, Servers, Connection, Security and Advanced.

    Below we'll show you what's available on each tab.

    If you make any changes, click OK to close the window.

    Your email account settings are split between 5 tabs: General, Servers, Connection, Security and Advanced.


    On this tab you'll see the name of the account holder and email address (look below the screenshot if you're not sure what the settings should be).

    The General Tab
    • Name: This should be your name (or the name you'd like people to see when you send them email)
    • Email address: This should the John Lewis Broadband email address you're editing

    You can leave Organization and Reply address blank unless you have reason not to.


    This tab shows your email server and login settings (look below the screenshot if you're not sure what the settings should be).

    The Servers Tab
    • Incoming mail server: For POP3, this needs to be, for IMAP this needs to be
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP): This should be
    • Email username & password: Make sure you've entered the username and password for the email address you're setting up (I don't know what these are)

    You can also switch on SMTP Authentication here, see our SMTP authentication for Windows Mail guide for help with this.


    Use this tab to tell Windows Mail how to connect to the internet. Unless you use different connections (e.g. dial-up or mobile dongles), leave the checkbox unticked, which will grey out the rest of the page as shown in the screenshot.

    The Connection Tab


    Use the settings on this tab to encrypt or digitally sign your emails. This is not something we support so we can't offer any advice on this.

    The Security Tab


    Unless you want to keep a copy of your email messages on our server, you shouldn't need to alter the settings on this tab.

    If you're using an IMAP account, the Incoming server port number should 143, otherwise your settings should match the screenshot below.

    The Advanced Tab

Your email username and password

Your username is your email address and your password is the one you log in to this website with.

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